Monday, April 5, 2010

Korver's First Haircut

We finally got around to Korver's first haircut March 15. His hair was getting pretty long and I wasn't sure if he would like the Flowbee because he usually screams when I turn it on to do Taysen's, but Dad played ball with him and gave him treats and he was a champ he didn't care at all that I was cutting his hair...I know your all thinking I'm a nerd for using a Flowbee but I must say it is one of the best purchases I have made because Taysen (and now Korver) will actually let me cut their hair without a fight and it isn't messy at all. :)


AmyJo said...

I'll admit, I was chuckling that you use a flowbee :) Whatever works eh! Dallin won't let me touch his hair.